Decoart makes several brands of paint and other supplies.
I wanted to share with you my Mixed Media piece I created using the products below.
Americana Painted comes in over 200 colors. The DuraClean Satin Varnish not only seals the piece, but creates a beautiful shine.
I started with an 8x8 piece of cardboard. I put 2 coats of gesso on there before I started with the paints. Started with small dabs of Indian Turquoise and Antique Teal and a scraper. I scraped across the panel. Added some Sea Aqua and White Wash using the same scraping technique till I was satisfied. You do need to use your brush in the middle to totally get into all the cracks. I coated the whole surface with the Satin Varnish.
Using a Stencil by Retta-"wood" design, I painted some lines in Primary Blue and White Wash in random areas to create depth and "ocean" texture.
I practiced drawing my girl in my sketch pad, then was able to use black transfer paper to get the majority of her details onto the dried canvas area.
Her skin was painted using Yellow Ochre, Sand, and White Wash. Added a little color to her cheeks and lips with Terra Coral. Her hair and clothes was done in White Wash & I used a small amount of the Indian Turquoise to shade. The girl was outlined using a black Pitt artist pen.
The fish I laid the tip of my brush down with the Terra Coral, outlined with a white gel pen. Using the white gel pen, I drew the "floor" with sea grass coming up. I dotted some of the coral color along the sides. When everything was dry, I applied another coat of the Satin Varnish.
For finishing touches, I used DecoArt's Metallic Lustre products. I LOVE these waxes. They are shiny and they every surface I've used them on. The Turquoise and Blue I rubbed in various areas with my finger tip. The copper I used some water on a paint brush and dabbed onto the fish. Gave them some extra pizazz!
This piece was done from a class I'm taking with
She is an amazing lady & I hope you'll check her out!
Thanks for stopping by. If you have any questions or comments-feel free to leave them.
Have a blessed day!