In one week I will be hosting an online art auction!
The proceeds are all going to support the American Cancer Society.
I want to share with you the wonderful artists that have donated.
Today's featured artists are Robyn Ann Weinrib and Rita Zengoteta.
You'll be able to start the bidding on their art Friday, May 17th at 6PM.
#1-Robyn Ann Weinrib.
Hi, My name is Robyn and I'm a Mixed Media Artist.. I live in Indiana
with my Hubby and 9 fur babies. Two of them great big St. Bernard
Clowns. LOL
I got into Art after I had a horrific motorcycle accident. I was a
professional dancer and was consumed by dance .. It was my life's
passion. After the accident I was in a wheelchair and could not dance
any longer. Heck I couldn't walk let alone dance.. It was such a life
changing event for me. I went into a three year depression. Never
leaving my house.. I lived 50 miles from any other person and knew the
pangs of Loneliness.. One day I got very angry at myself and called a
physical therapist. He worked with me for month's teaching me how to
walk again.. The doctors said I never would but I proved them wrong! My
only problem now was I could no longer dance. I had to channel my
creative energy into some other outlet. The depression was still with me
as I no longer could work.
I started my Journey into Art by
Scrapbooking. From there I got into Card Making and doing what is called
ATC Cards..I also got into Altered Art. Something was missing. I just
knew I wanted to do more. By now the addiction to art and art supplies
had gotten into my blood and I was consumed with buying all the supplies
I could afford.. Sometimes using my food money and hiding supplies from
my husband! LOL
I finally started to paint more seriously by taking
some workshops online. I found a love of painting whimsical gals.. I
studied hard . Practicing portraits every day.. Learning all different
styles until I finally developed my own style.. The passion was back for
my creative outlet.. I am now consumed with the love of Art and Artwork.
Just as I had been for Dance.. I do find Art harder then dancing.
Dancing came natural to me. I didn't have to think about it I just
danced... Though not a technical dancer I was many times the solo dancer
for my style.. I find the same thing is happening with my Art. I am not
a technical person. I have to feel my pieces for them to come out good.
I need to place myself into the piece as I'm painting. What ever it may
be. I have now studied watercolor, abstract art and decorative art .I am
also an avid Art Journaler.. I love them all but my main love is still
for those whimsy gals with big eyes and long hair. Thank you for letting
me participate in this wonderful cause.
I sign my pieces RAW... LOL
#2-Rita Zengoteta
On December 10, 1999 I was diagnosed with cancer in my lymph nodes. It took until sometime in January 2000 until they found it was coming from my breast. I wound up having a Bi-lateral mastectomy in January. Started chemo in February, followed by radiation. Since then it has come back every year and was followed by treatment for about 6 mths for each occurrence.
In 2010 it spread to my liver, lung and bone. I had been on treatment for over 2 yrs straight when on December 10, 2012 I started to feel dizzy and was having what I thought were sinus problems. Living in Florida there were others that I knew who were also complaining-the allergies were starting early this year. I did tell my Oncologist about what was going on as it was getting close for another PET scan.
March 11, 2013 I was very dizzy and in pain, which was a level 10 of 10. That evening my husband took me to the ER where they did a CAT scan which showed that the cancer had spread to my brain. They transferred me to another hospital to see a neurosurgeon. I had an MRI done on Tuesday evening and the doctors told me Wednesday morning that there was more cancer than the CAT scan initially showed. There were multiple tumors in both hemispheres of the brain and at least five tumors in the cerebellum. The doctor also explained that the cancer had been in my brain for a while because it was already calcified in some areas. He explained the at the operation would be very painful and he was not sure, based on the amount of cancer that the operation would be beneficial. This was all I needed to hear to make the best decision for myself and improve my remaining quality of life. Over the years I had seen enough to know this was not how I wanted my life to end. I wanted to enjoy the rest of my life. I had lived longer than I had thought when first diagnosed. I have seen my children marry and I have two grandchildren. The second one was born March 18, 2013 which put me on a high for a week! Wednesday morning, April 13th, they gave me THREE weeks to live. It's has now been FOUR weeks and with a steroid to control swelling on my brain and medication to control pain, I have been enjoying my life, doing the things I want and making Art which brings joy to my soul. It has been a little challenging since I now shake when I draw and write, though it still brings me joy.
My saying "Challenged with Cancer, Living with Love" came to me one night. I did not care for everyone telling me to fight. I don't like fighting. It's negative and exhausting and I've been doing it now for thirteen years. A challenge is something I can take on without feeling negative and heavy. Now I just want to enjoy the rest of my life an be free. My decision brings me peace.
Stay tuned for more information and artists as we get closer and closer to the Auction date!!
**All monies will be donated directly to my Relay For life site.